Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First post ever!

This week has been sort of an exciting time for me. I feel like a butterfly. I've felt walled up into a tiny chrysalis for about 3 years now as I've gone through some big changes in my life, not the least of which is being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, being told I could no longer work, partially losing my sense of identity..... I'll talk more about that in later posts.

This week I feel like I'm suddenly expanding. I am on the side of the tree fluttering my damp, fragile butterfly wings. I am exploring new ideas and feelings, and am so excited about them that I can't sleep.

I like that after 20 years or so of using my logical left brain, I can suddenly, joyfully, leap into the abilities of the right side of my brain!

This blog is part of that, and will talk about some of the process of making the artwork I am doing now, reinventing my life as a disabled person, raising a family, and whatever else happens to capture my fancy!

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